2020年が今日で終わりなので、本日までにEFイングリッシュライブ で先生からいただいたフィードバックをまとめてみることにしました。

私は正直、大学時代に3ヶ月だけ行ったカナダの短期語学留学よりもEFイングリッシュライブ の20分間のプライベートレッスンや45分間のグループレッスンの方が学びを感じます。
EF Englishを始めた経緯についてはこちら
You express your thoughts in a clear and comprehensible way, so others are able to understand you and respond appropriately with little effort.
Your level of confidence when speaking English is great, please keep it up.
In this lesson you were able to demonstrate a solid comprehension of the topic. Your understanding of the topic was level appropriate.
Your conversational style is good; you use well-structured and well thought-out responses under questioning. You are also able to think about the appropriateness of questions in different situations.
Be careful with word choice in some of your sentence, for example you said ‘How I went to the another shop and they offered with 675’ which would be better as ‘I went to another shop and they offered me 675.’. You can always look up how to use expressions in the online study tools.
You are an eager learner who expressed herself really well, with great confidence and clarity. Well done! However, work on your word choices.
Your confidence was satisfactory and I would like you to keep it up. Well done.
I would like you to perfect your grammar by reading and listening to English as you are doing at the moment and keep it up. I would like you to also practice using grammar to avoid errors like the one below: You said “I will have the same renovation to your too in two months later.” but you should have said “I will have the same renovations done to my house too, I think I need that done in about two months from now.”
Your participation was great and you were able to respond to questions correctly. Remember to practice more words so as to expand your vocabulary as this will help with word choice. You should also practice pronunciations.
Your confidence was encouraging as you were able to speak freely and comfortably. I really liked it when you said "So we will buy new tablet computers but which model?
You made grammar minor mistakes and it sounds like you are definitely practicing. For example you said "They agreed purchase of 250 curved pine desks" instead of "They agreed to purchase 250 curved pine desks"
I encourage you to read more, this will help with sentence construction. You have a good foundation in terms of the English language. Try to learn more words for you to be able to express yourself better. I wish you the best going forward. I encourage you to also visit your online study tools to help you with your grammar. Here are some books you can read. 1. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald 2.Tell Me a Riddle by Tillie Olsen 3. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens 4. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
You seem to have really good comprehension and a good sense of humor too. Your style shows through in English which is a testament to your proficiency.
Continue to read out loud to practice pronunciation. Reading blogs will help you with slang terms, vocabulary and idioms.
You are just absolutely delightful. I sure wish that we had had more time to talk. I think you have great skills and I really like your style. Your English is great, keep up the good work!
comprehension vocabulary expression range
great job today
I was impressed when you said, “I have to apologize to you because when you went to the bathroom”. I feel that you are very expressive and you are able to bring your ideas across very well. Keep up the good work.
You said, “I'm really sorry I do that” rather say, “I'm really sorry I did that”. Please continue to increase your practice of past tense to do verb by using the online study tools.
You were very attentive and made sure that you understood every question and instruction before proceeding. I hope to see you again in another lesson. Good luck with your English studies.
EFイングリッシュライブ のプライベートレッスンは20分ですが、かなり濃厚でたくさんフィードバックをいただけます。
